Mother’s Day wishes come true with MyGiftClues.com
Evidence shows that mums are often having to organise their own Mother’s Day treats (32% of mothers), and that there is a clear disparity between what children plan to buy their mum (top answer – flowers at 57%) and what mums actually want (a hug, something home-made or a lie-in).
This year, a free website, MyGiftClues.com, is helping mothers get the recognition they deserve on their special day. Mums can create a wish list for all the things they want, be it shop-bought or home-made and share it through one simple email or social media. Unlike other online wish lists, mothers can also leave a trail of visual clues to stoke loved ones’ imaginations – their favourite perfumes, chocolates or flowers, or simply the idea of breakfast in bed.
MyGiftClues.com enables people to create an inspirational scrapbook or mood board of all their favourite things; ideal gifts, dream experiences, preferred colours and wardrobe styles.
The site is a free and useful tool all year-round. Those really hard-to-buy-for people, who always leave you stumped every birthday and Christmas, can now use the site to reveal a wealth of ideas, making shopping for them a whole lot easier. Loved ones can share lists filled with inspiring clues, hinting at the ideal gifts they would like to receive. A smart checklist shows when someone has elected to buy an item so no-one gets the same gift twice.
MyGiftClues.com also helps you build a calendar of special events, such as birthdays, to remind you to organise the perfect present in time.
Notes to editors
For downloadable press releases and images please visit www.mygiftclues.com/treasuretrail
www.MyGiftClues.com was founded in 2013 by Dorset-based wife and husband team Sarah and Alex Gow, who between them have widespread experience in the finance and banking sector, large corporate sales, internet-based start-ups, marketing, social media campaigning and public sector.
For further information or images please contact: Jo O’Connell, JellyRock PR
E: jo@jellyrockpr.co.uk M: +44 7977714787
www.mygiftclues.com Google+: MyGiftClues
Twitter: @MyGiftClues Facebook: MyGiftClues
In a 2015 Mumsnet survey, 32% of respondents said they had to remind their partners when Mother’s Day was coming up – doubting that their other halves would remember otherwise. Over a quarter of respondents (28%) said that their partner had previously forgotten to buy them a card or gift, or to organise cards or gifts from the children. Click here for full survey results.
In 2015 dotcomgiftshop surveyed 4,449 mothers, sons and daughters on their attitudes towards Mother’s Day.
When asked “What do you plan on getting your Mum for Mother’s Day?” 57% of sons and daughters said flowers. Only 34% of mums wanted flowers, with the majority wanting “a hug” (top answer at 60%). Mums’ other top Mother’s Day wishes were: something homemade – 43% (26% of offspring considered this), a lie-in – 41% (only 4.6% of offspring considered this) and breakfast in bed – 43% (yet only 5% of offspring considered this). Click here for full survey results.